NLA fights Government over buy-to-let

The National Landlords Association (NLA) is set to fight the Government over the proposed tax changes on buy-to-let properties that were announced in the summer Budget. It has been working hard behind the scenes and is currently lobbying key decision makers within the Government to reverse the decision. A new campaign has been launched on NLA Lobby, enabling UK landlords to have their say about buy-to-let changes.
Known as the turnover tax – where mortgage interest relief for individual residential landlords will be restricted to the basic rate of income tax - the NLA is encouraging landlords to use NLA Lobby to put pressure on Parliament to change the Bill.
Carolyn Uphill, Chairman of the NLA, said, 'These changes will have far-reaching consequences for the private rented sector and we need to put pressure on policy makers to make sure they understand the impact the Chancellor’s tax hike will have.'
Find out more about the NLA's campaign here and have your say.