Auction purchases are one of the best ways to secure a repossessed property at below market value. The reason for this is that auction is the place of last resort to sell a property if other avenues have been exhausted. Auctions are also the place to go if as a vendor you want a certain sale with a quick completion. The price vendors pay for this speed and certainty is a lower sales price.

With over 180 national property auctioneers and 6000 lots per month how can you, the investor realistically do this?

Repolist - operates an automated system which enables investors to search All UK's property auctions in one place and set up search alerts. We cover every auction house that you will find on Zoopla and Rightmove and many of the smaller independent auctioneers who do not advertise with the major portals.

Showing 51 to 75 of 202 auction houses
Clive Emson (Kent and SE London)

Clive Emson (sussex and Surrey)

Cumbrian property auctions

take advantage of our low cost subscription plans to access all reposession and auction data
Drivers and Norris

Edward Mellor Auctions

As one of the largest and most successful residential and commercial property auctions in the North West, our success is based around providing a personal service for our buyers and vendors alike. By offering a range of unique services including our dedicated buying consultancy, comprehensive auction funding and sale by online auction, we can guide you through every step of the auction process and give you the tools and knowledge you need to act with confidence and achieve all your property investment goals.

take advantage of our low cost subscription plans to access all reposession and auction data
Fidler Taylor and co

Our auctioneers have considerable experience in the marketing and sale of properties by auction and we are regularly instructed by both private, institutional and Charity clients who often see the sale room as the most beneficial means of achieving the best sale.

Future Property Auctions

G Herbert banks

We are proud to retain the traditional Auctioneer’s skills undertaking both one off sales of agricultural properties and general property auctions. We also undertake farm sales, selling farm machinery and equipment on site throughout the region.

Greenslade Taylor Hunt

Gwylim Richards and co

Gwilym Richards & Co was established in 1993 and specialises in agricultural auctions and rural property sales and valuations. The company has considerable experience of selling and valuing farms, land and rural property throughout South Wales, Gloucestershire and Herefordshire.

Hair and Son Ltd